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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


We're grateful to academic and professional services colleagues who have helped us develop the guides on this site and who have shared their own resources.

Our colleagues in University Information Services and the Disability Resource Centre were generous with their advice and time and the ourcambridge team provided invaluable design help throughout.


Large-group teaching

We are grateful to colleagues who gave feedback and shared ideas about lectures, classes and seminars, including Professor Alastair Beresford (Computer Lab, Queens’).


Online readings

The guide to online readings was developed for the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning by Elizabeth Tilley, Education Lead at Cambridge University Libraries and Head of Arts and Humanities Libraries.

We would like to thank the following for their contribution with the video resources:

  • Dr Lesley MacVinish, Fellow, Tutor and Undergraduate Admissions Tutor for Science at Wolfson College
  • Dr Jane McLarty, Fellow and Director of Studies for Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion at Wolfson College
  • Laura Jeffrey, Academic Skills Librarian at Wolfson College
  • Meg Westbury, Fellow and Librarian at Wolfson College

Our thanks also to Lizz Edwards-Waller, Squire Law Library, for developing the updated information on the temporary amendment to the CLA HE Licence.



We are grateful to Senior Tutors for their guidance. Several Directors of Studies gave feedback and shared ideas; particular thanks go to Dr Andrew Rice (Computer Lab, Queens’).


Guidance for students

The research conducted that underpins the guidance produced for students was conducted and analysed by the UIS User Experience Research team. We are especially grateful to Isla Fay for her support in turning this research into useful advice for current students.



We welcome comments and suggestions. If you would like to get in touch, please contact​