This section provides guidance for staff looking to enhance their teaching and learning support practice. In particular, we provide guidance and resources for colleagues wishing to address awarding gaps in their courses, enhance their assessment practices, and/or undertake a project of enquiry into their teaching practice.
Guiding Principles
Six key principles for inclusive teaching and learning developed with students and staff members of the Inclusive Teaching & Learning Advisory Group.
Awarding Gaps
Learn about awarding gaps and why we need to address them, find out how to identify awarding gaps in your own context, and discover the types of support available to help Faculties and Departments develop interventions to address awarding gaps experienced by students in your courses.
Educational Enquiry
A suite of resources to support you in undertaking your own educational enquiry. We explore the differences between research and evaluation and the ethical implications for each, provide a guide to working in partnership with students, and convene a research ethics committee (CHESREC) for those who need ethics approval or would like advice.
Assessment at Cambridge
Guidance for staff on the effective design of assessment in light of the new Framework for Assessment, which is accompanied by a glossary of key terms and three briefing papers expanding upon key concepts relating to assessment.
Further Resources
Resources to support you in ensuring that your teaching is inclusive and accessible for all. These include an interactive module on Inclusive Teaching & Learning from the Accessibility & Disability Resource Resource, a guide to using Content Notes, and the Black Advisory Hub.