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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning

A wooden bridge spanning the River Cam in the grounds of Darwin College

Applications for 2024-25 are now closed

Applications for the 2024-25 Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education are now closed. Applications for 2025-26 will open in November. They are made through the Institute of Continuing Education website; a link will be provided here.

Deadline: Friday 17 May 2024


This 12-month Master's-level course, now accredited by Advance HE at D2 (FHEA), is open to Cambridge teaching staff with a minimum of three years' experience of teaching in higher education. We welcome applications from those teaching / supporting the learning of Cambridge students across the full range of disciplines; participants include University and College academics, professional staff supporting learning, and postdoctoral researchers. This enables us to draw on diverse perspectives and experiences.

As a participant, you will develop enquiry-based approaches to engaging with educational challenges and contributing to improvements in the education of students at Cambridge and at tertiary level more broadly. In particular, you will:

  • develop your understanding of how students learn;
  • extend your repertoire of teaching, learning and assessment methods;
  • develop a cogent personal philosophy of education drawing on understanding, use and critical awareness of educational research methods and reflective practice.

If you have any questions about the programme not answered on this page, please get in touch with the Course Director, Dr Meg Tait.

Recent participants said:

'The programme is both theoretically rigorous with context-specific practical applications, making this a strong, pedagogically-focused programme.'

'Working with colleagues from a wide range of disciplines has been of great value in broadening my world beyond the limits of my own field. The programme has both helped to fill gaps and given me the confidence to continue to explore, improve and build on what I have learned, putting that into my everyday practice.'

Important details

Participating fully in the PGCTLHE involves preparing for and participating in five day schools, developmental exercises organised with peers taking the programme, and preparing a 13,000-word portfolio. You are likely to dedicate between 30 and 35 days over the course of the year; the schedule is structured flexibly to accommodate the commitments of participants.

This Master's-level course is equivalent to 60 credits at FHEQ Level 7, and is accredited by Advance HE at Descriptor 2 (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy; FHEA). Up to 30 places are available; please note that the course is not open to PhD students. There is no course fee.

The course is offered as a collaboration between the Cambridge Centre for Teaching & Learning and the University’s Institute of Continuing Education.

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