This section of the Mind the Gap Toolkit sets out a summary of the evidence on identified disparities in student attainment, and points to further sources of information. All of this evidence frames the work underway on awarding gaps, and supports the University's aim to:
Ensure that a representative cross-section of society is represented within its student body, who can access the same opportunities and quality of experience and can expect the same outcomes in terms of completion, attainment and progression. - Access and Participation Plan 2020-25, p.19 |
For the purposes of the Mind the Gap Toolkit this evidence is presented in broad-brush strokes rather than extensively detailed; a key goal is that we provide you with the tools to seek and analyse data sources relevant to your local context.
- Quantitative research findings
- Impact of Covid-19 on data
- Limitations of available data
- Qualitative research findings
- Sources of useful data
Next Steps
While we know that statistically significant awarding gaps exist at Cambridge, you will be interested to find out if this is replicated in your particular course or local context, or if contextual or disciplinary factors mean that you have a different pattern of student attainment.
Once the relevant data has been compiled from a variety of quantitative and qualitative sources, including from internal Departmental or student surveys, a clearer picture will emerge about the issues that positively and negatively affect your students’ academic performance. Specifically, which group or groups of students are affected by differential attainment results, what this gap looks like across different parts of the Tripos, and what might be some suggestive indicators for the reasons behind the gaps. Collating this information will make it easier to proceed to the next steps in the process of reviewing the awarding gaps in your local context, understand what else you might need to investigate, and determine the measures you might take to address them.
See the next section of the Mind the Gap Toolkit: What are the reasons for your awarding gaps?