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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


Research into the learning and teaching experiences of students and staff is increasingly highly valued and useful in providing an evidence base for improving educational experiences. CCTL aims to provide a sustained focus on complex educational priorities, help develop an evidence base for both designing and evaluating enhancement activities, and engage with colleagues, departments and Colleges to identify opportunities to enhance teaching, learning and assessment.

In this section you will find information about undertaking educational research as well as sources of support such as our ethics review committee and links to national research networks.


Research & Evaluation

A summary of the similarities and differences between undertaking publishable research and evaluation of practice, and the different considerations associated with each.

Research & Evaluation Ethics

A summary of ethical considerations and data protection requirements to be conscious of when undertaking research or evaluation, and guidance on whether your project is likely to need ethics approval.

Ethics Review Committee

The Cambridge Higher Education Studies Research Ethics Committee supports colleagues seeking to undertake research focused on teaching, learning, admissions or other educational experiences within the University of Cambridge.

Students as Partners

A guide to working with students as partners for research or educational enhancement: setting up your own partnership project, considerations to bear in mind before and during the project, and case studies from existing initiatives, both small- and large-scale.

Also available as a web guide.


Educational Research Networks

Introductions to some networks of research into higher education, for those interested in learning more about educational research and evaluating educational practices and experiences with a view to improving them.

CCTL's Educational Research

Links to examples of educational research projects that CCTL has undertaken directly, including the APP Participatory Action Research Project and research into staff perceptions and experiences of digital education and AI.