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Two towers flanking a church both with clocks showing different times

Research question

What is the perceived value of 'Double Time' to disabled students with mental health conditions?

See also the Intermission project


Project team

  • Kerensa Gaunt, undergraduate student reading Modern and Medieval Languages


Project report

Report: Double Time Project (PDF)



Extension to Period of Study (EPS) - known colloquially in Cambridge as 'Double Time' - is documented on page 13 of the Adjusted Modes of Assessment guidance on the Examinations Arrangements page of Student Operations. It most commonly involves studying one year over two in order to reduce a student's workload while still undertaking full-time study.

This project investigated student perceptions of whether availability of EPS affects continuation rates, attainment and wellbeing in disabled students with mental health conditions who are studying at the University of Cambridge.

Qualitative data was obtained via written interviews with APP PAR co-researchers, and via open questions in an online survey circulated to students registered with the Disability Resource Centre.

The project found that the perceived effect of EPS availability on disabled students was overwhelmingly positive, but that many students considered the current implementation of both EPS and 'intermission' - taking time out of your studies for medical or other serious reasons - to have a partially negative effect.

We therefore recommend that awareness of EPS as an option is raised among staff via training and among students via online resources and staff. Small changes could also be made to the implementation of EPS and intermission to better support student wellbeing, such as signposting students to the option of EPS when applying for intermission and vice versa, and separating the EPS application process out from the process of applying for Adjusted Modes of Assessment.