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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


Cycle 4 of the APP Participatory Action Research Project (2022-23)

For the fourth cycle of the APP Participatory Action Research Project we were keen to engage more closely with staff across the University as part of an evaluation phase to review and evaluate actions and initiatives undertaken over the last few years in response to student recommendations for action.

Our student co-researcher began their work for this cycle by reviewing the project themes and recommended actions which came out of the first three cycles of research. This process of review fed into:

  • An event organised by the co-researchers on Strand A (Black British students)
  • Student personas and journey maps created by the co-researchers on Strand B (students with mental health conditions)

The event organised for Strand A was a forum, Black awarding gaps and decolonisation. More details about the day can be found on the Black Advisory Hub website (linked).

Live illustration of the 2023 Black awarding gaps and decolonisation forum