What are awarding gaps?
The term 'awarding gap' refers to patterns of differential degree outcomes which are experienced by particular groups of students and which cannot be explained by factors such as previous education, socioeconomic background or other intersecting variables, including gender.
While Cambridge students - whether White, Black, non-disabled or disabled, women or men - tend to perform well above national benchmarks, we can identify persistent patterns major of discrepancy in the classes awarded in degrees for different cohorts, known as the ‘awarding gaps’.
Institutional data analysis
A data dashboard showing awarding gaps between male and female undergraduate students over the last 10 years is accessible via the University's Information Hub (Raven login required).
Statistical analysis of assessment data was undertaken by the Business Information Team during preparation of the new Access & Participation Plan (2025-29). (The objectives for the new APP are introduced on pp.3-5; further information and analysis relating to the identification and prioritisation of objectives is provided in APP 2025-29, annex A, pp. 44ff)