The previous sections provided guidance on relevant and available data to identify whether awarding gaps exist, and possible explanations for them. This third and final section presents some ideas about what might work to address awarding gaps. Examples of practice are accompanied by short summaries of the strategies used by course teams or individuals.
Of course, there is no single ‘silver bullet’ solution to the issue of awarding gaps: just as the factors that cause them are complex and intersecting – particularly so in the multi-faceted educational experiences offered across the collegiate University - so too are the responses needed to address them. While the University has made a whole-of-institution commitment to address specific awarding gaps, this will need a diversity of different ‘bottom-up’ approaches.
Providing inclusive teaching, learning and assessment experiences will be fundamental both to addressing our current awarding gaps and proactively addressing any that might emerge in future in light of our widening student demographics.
Guiding Principle 1: Recognise that an excellent education is inclusive Access to the University is not enough; all students at Cambridge have the right to full participation in the available educational opportunities that will allow them to reach their individual potential. This means delivering high quality teaching for all students, understanding that students learn in different ways. |
Throughout this section references will be provided to Cambridge's Guiding Principles for Inclusive Teaching and Learning.