Alfie Vaughan
Academic Representation
Winner of the Academic Representation award, Alfie Vaughan was nominated in his capacity as Undergraduate Student Representative on the Modern and Medieval Languages Faculty Board and the Undergraduate Studies Committee.
Alfie has made an outstanding contribution to the MML Faculty this year, frequently going above and beyond in representing the needs and opinions of his undergraduate peers.
In particular, he has played a vital role in the development of a new Part IB audio-visual and oral paper: he produced an incredibly well-thought-out survey and worked hard to gather a great level of response from students. The Undergraduate Studies Committee was deeply impressed by Alfie's work on this: indeed, rarely does one see anywhere in the University such a thoughful, considered, thorough and careful analysis of survey results as the one that he produced. The Working Group for this paper reform (on which Alfie sat as a much-valued voice) was, as a consequence, able to engage in detail with students views as it refined its proposal, now approved.
Alfie has also worked hard to raise awareness in the Faculty about the issue of 'Content Notes' related matters of disability. He co-designed a student survey with the Postgraduate Student Representative on this matter and represented the resulting views with great sensitivity. Throughout the year, Alfie has been a wonderful spokesperson for students: he has invariable intervened with good humour, in the most constructive manner, and always alive to the pressures faced by staff as well as students. It has, for both committees, been a great pleasure to work with him: Alfie is a brilliant example of how productive and valuable student representation can be.
Alfie Vaughan is a second-year Undergraduate reading Modern and Medieval Languages.