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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


Photo of Elizabeth Warr

Elizabeth Warr

Highly Commended, Academic / College Representative

As a committee member of the Homerton College JCR, Elizabeth has gone above and beyond the call of duty during lockdown, to organise creative and inclusive events to help with student welfare and build that sense of community, especially for those students who missed out on the start of their university experience. Some of these events included Zoom bake-alongs, virtual libraries / study sessions, and moving “welfairy” online (whereby each person has a “welfairy” who sends them motivation and encouragement).

Her activities were not limited to students, but also included free art classes for students, staff and alumni. She also created the “Homerton Friendship Scheme”, in which almost 90 Homerton students became involved, whereby students shared their interests and could find common ground to help them ‘meet’ each other – a critical part of their university experience they were otherwise missing.


In 2020-21, Elizabeth was a second-year Undergraduate reading Education at Homerton College.

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