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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


Photo of Rosie Wright

Rosie Wright

Highly Commended, Academic / College Representative

Rosie is a student representative for our cohort for the MSt in Social Innovation. She has been the lynchpin of our cohort, maintaining a sense of community amongst the students throughout our two-year programme, the majority of which has been through remote learning. For a part-time programme such as ours, maintaining a sense of community while working remotely is not an easy endeavour. Rosie has managed to keep our cohort in constant communication, maintain two-way communication between the students and faculty, and lift our spirits by bringing a positive and optimistic attitude to everything that she does.

Some examples of her contributions include: organising student-led weekly ‘lunch-and-learns’ to facilitate discussion of the curriculum; supporting students in accessing mental health support; working with staff on the accessibility of remote learning tools; holding fora to hear student concerns during lockdown and thus create clear proposals for the faculty; planning social support events such as yoga and welcome meetings.

No individual student has contributed more to improving our academic experience than Rosie. Our cohort is truly grateful for the time and commitment she has dedicated beyond her responsibilities as our representative.


In 2020-21, Rosie was undertaking an MSt in Social Innovation with the Judge Business School, at Darwin College.

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