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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


Photo of Rowan Fox

Photo of Jamie Hancock

Rowan Fox & Jamie Hancock

Highly Commended, Inclusive Practice

Jamie and Rowan have successfully galvanised the University and Colleges to address the needs of LGBTQ+ students. They worked diligently to canvas students’ experiences and as a result were able to skilfully present to the University an approach which would enable students to feel included and represented in decision-making around LGBTQ+ care issues. They reached out to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of University Community & Engagement, specifying their case for change, and worked with Senior Tutors, the University LGBT+ University Champion, the Head of LGBTQ+ @cam and the Chair of the LGBT+ staff network to bring together a plan of action and campaign to ensure the student voice was heard.

Jamie and Rowan led the campaign from the start and engaged with staff in a constructive, thoughtful and considerate manner, bringing staff and students together with a force for change. Their composure was calm and consistent and they worked diligently to bring the University and the Colleges together to herald a campaign taken up by five Colleges to place LGBT+ student needs at the forefront of planning. They moved the discussion away from LGBT+ needs being a side issue about welfare to bring issues of representation to the centre.


In 2020-21, Rowan (third-year) and Jamie (fourth-year) were Undergraduates reading Human, Social & Political Sciences at Jesus College and Peterhouse respectively.

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