Senior Teaching Associate
In Press
- Lowe, C., Morley, H., Hall, J., Kalman, E., Lewis, A., Part, T., Pennington, H., Winder, I. (2024) 'Teaching and Learning Communities of Practice Toolkit'. A Collaborative Development Fund project: funded by Advance HE.
- Lowe, C. (2024) 'An Inclusive Future for Higher Education Through Teaching Outside of the Box'. Outside the Box: Rethinking Higher Education Pedagogy in Arts and Humanities. Ed. Glenn Fosbraey. (Bloomsbury).
- Lowe, C. (2023) 'Affecting Accounts: Autobiographical Memoirs and the Vulnerable Researcher'. Research Methods: Qualitative Research. Ed. Bryan Clift, Ioannis Costas Batlle, Sheree Bekker and Katharina Chudzikowski. (Routledge).
- Lowe, C., Lowe, T. (2023) 'Accessibility to Student Engagement Opportunities'. Advancing Student Engagement in Higher Education: Reflection, Critique, and Challenge. Ed. Tom Lowe. (Taylor and Francis).
- (Blog) Lowe, C. (2022) 'Talking Student Engagement'. Sparqs.
- Lowe, C., Lowe, T. (2022) 'Perceptions of the Challenges and Effectiveness of Students on Internal Quality Assurance Review Panels: A Study Across Higher Education Institutions'. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education.
- Smith, M., Lowe, C. (2021) 'DIY Assessment and Feedback: Building Engagement, Trust and Transparency in the Feedback Process'. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 18(3).
- Lowe, C. (2020) 'The Abject in Education'. Journal of Aesthetic Education. 54(3).
- Lowe., C. Sims, S. (2020) 'On the Origin of Student Fellows: Reflections on the Evolution of Partnership from Theory to Practice'. In Lowe, T. & El-Hakim, Y. Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theory into Practice (Routledge, London).
- Lowe, C., Sims, S., Winter, J. (2019) ‘Going Beyond Metric Driven Responses to Surveys: Evaluating uses of UKES to Support Students’ Critical Reflection on their Learning Gain.’ Higher Education Pedagogies. 4(1).
- Lowe, T., Shaw, C. (2019) ‘Student Perceptions of the "Best" Feedback Practices - An Evaluation of Student-Led Teaching Award Nominations at a Higher Education Institution'. Teaching and Learning Inquiry.
- Lowe, C., James, A. (2019) ‘Turning Curricular Creativity into Extra-Curricular Festivities.’ Student Engagement in Higher Education. 2(3) ISSN: 2399-1836.
- Winter, J., Shaw, C. (2019) ‘Using UKES to enhance staff-student reflection and engagement’. AdvanceHE. July 16.
- Banks, S., Bullock, S., Burns, H., Graham, C., Harding, N., Junaid, A., Keane, J., Kett, N., Macklin, S., Penaluna, A., Shaw, C., Tejpal, R., Turjansky, A. (2018) 'UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Learning and Teaching' QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
- Shaw, C., Atvars, A. (2018) ‘Two Sides of the Same Coin: A University and Student Union Perspective on Partnership and Risk’. Teaching and Learning together in Higher Education. 24. ISSN: 2381-4268.
- Shaw, C., Humphrey, O. Atvars, T., Sims, S. (2017) 'Systematic Literature Review of "Hard to Reach" Students and Methods of Inclusive Engagement'. A report to HEFCE by the REACT Project. Available at:
- Shaw, C., Humphrey, O., Atvars, T., Sims, S. (2017) 'Who They Are and How to Engage Them: A Summary of the REACT Systematic Literature Review of the 'Hard to Reach' in Higher Education.' Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change. 5. ISSN 2055-4990.
- Lowe, T., Shaw, C., Sims, S., King, S., and Paddison, A. (2017) 'The Development of Contemporary Student Engagement Practices at the University of Winchester & Winchester Student Union.' International Journal for Students as Partners. 1 (1). ISSN 2560-7367.
- Shaw, C., and Lowe, T. (2017) 'The Student Participation Map: A tool to map student participations, engagements, opportunities and extra-curricular activities across a Higher Education Institution.' Dialogue: Journal of Learning and Teaching. 1. ISSN 23399-701X.
- Shaw, C., Sims, S. (2017) ‘Using a Partnership Approach through Student Fellows Projects as an intervention to Assessment and Feedback.’ Capture: Learning and Teaching Journal. 5.
- Lowe, C., Morley, H., Pennington, H. 'EdD CoP: Developing Teaching and Learning through Communities of Practice'. SEDA Conference (Liverpool, 16 May 2024)
- Lowe, C. 'Student-Centred Approaches to Evaluation'. Evaluating Teaching & Learning in HE Forum (Warwick, 15 November 2023)
- Lowe, C. 'Affecting Accounts: Autobiographical Memoirs and the Vulnerable Researcher'. Qualitative Research Symposium (Bath, 2 February 2022)
- Lowe, C., Lowe, T. 'The Perceptions, Challenges & Effectiveness of Student Reviewers across UK HE'. QAA Scotland Enhancement Conference (Online, 3 November 2020)
- Lowe, C. 'Student Perceptions of the Best Feedback Practices using SLTA Nominations'. QAA Scotland Enhancement Conference (Online, 3 November 2020).
- Shaw, C. Nørgaard, T. 'Value Studies: A cross-institutional approach to a liberal education in theory and practice'. AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference - Teaching in the Spotlight: Innovation for Teaching Excellence (Newcastle, 3 June 2019).
- Winter, J., Shaw, C. 'Using UKES to Enhance Staff-Student Reflection and Engagement'. AdvanceHE Surveys Conference (Bristol, 8 May 2019).
- Shaw, C. 'Using PowToon for Pedagogical Purposes'. Learning and Teaching Day (Winchester, 6 June 2018).
- Shaw, C., E. Jordan. 'Students Shaping Strategy: Student Voice in the Learning and Teaching Strategy'. (Winchester, 20 April 2018).
- Shaw, C., Humphrey, O. The REACT Systematic Literature Review: Descriptions of and Methods to Engage 'Hard to Reach' Students. RAISE Conference (Manchester, 8 September 2017).
- Shaw, C., Lowe, T. 'What do students think is good feedback? An analysis of the SLTA data 2013-16 to investigate student perceptions of the "best" assessment feedback.' Learning and Teaching Day (Winchester, 8 June 2017).
- Shaw, C., Street, R. Student Engagement Mapping Workshop. Newman University Development Day (Birmingham, 5 May 2017).
- Dunne, E., Lowe, T. Shaw, C., Realising Engagement through Active Culture Transformation: An Introduction. REACT Conference (Winchester, 2 May 2017).
- Dunne, E., Shaw, C., Lowe, T. & Sims, S. Empowering Students as Agents of Change through Partnership Case Studies of Practice from the Universities of Exeter and Winchester Beyond the Comfort Zone. Putting Civic Leadership at the Heart of the University Experience (London, 22 September 2016).
- Dunne, E., Lowe, T., Sims, S., Harvey, F., Bryson, C., Mooney, P., Irwin, J., Wren, B., Harris, D., Beniston, J., Lebihan, J., Marie, J., Walker, S., Shaw, C., Reaching out to the 'hard-to-reach': Experiences from nine Universities Involved in the REACT 'Collaborative Development Programme'. RAISE 2016 Conference 'Excellence' in Student Engagement (Loughborough, 9 September 2016).
- Shaw, C. & Sims, S. Student Perceptions of "Student Engagement" at the University of Winchester. RAISE Conference (Loughborough, 8 Sept 2016).
- Shaw, C., & Lowe, T. Enhancing Perspectives on Student Engagement Activities on Campus. University of Derby Academic Development Day (Derby, 17 June 2016).
- Shaw, C., Student Perceptions of Student Engagement. Winchester Learning and Teaching Day (Winchester, 9 June 2016).
- Wait, R., Shaw, C. & Lowe, T. Making Student Engagement a Reality. Workshop. QAA Evolving Student Engagement (Manchester, 17 May 2016).
- Lowe, T., Shaw, C., Vision and practice; building partnership approaches in Student Engagement at the University of Winchester. Open University Putting Students First: Student Engagement Conference (Milton Keynes, 23 November 2015).
- Sims, S., Shaw, C. Developing and Embedding Partnership with the Student Fellows Scheme. Association for Learning Technology 2015 (Manchester, 10 September 2015).
- Shaw, C., Lowe, T., Students engaging with 'Student Engagement' A Change of Perspective at Winchester Student Union. Poster (Winner of Judges Choice for Best Poster) Jisc Change Agent Network Conference (Birmingham, 18 March 2015).