Advance HE
Advance HE is a British agency promoting excellence in higher education, offering support through accreditation of professional development programmes as well as coordinating events and awards. They commission and publish research in teaching, learning and assessment and higher education more generally, as well as providing strategic consultancy services. Advance HE was formed in 2018 as a merger of the Higher Education Academy, Leadership Foundation and Equality Challenge Unit.
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
The Society for Research into Higher Education is a UK-based international learned society concerned with advancing understanding of higher education, especially through the insights, perspectives and knowledge offered by systematic research and scholarship. The Society is a specialist publisher of higher education research, holds a major annual conference in December and further conferences, seminars and consultations on topics of current interest, and runs a number of networks. Individual membership will give you access to free workshops and seminars, online research and the opportunity to participate in the Society's networks and to apply for research grants.
Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)
The Staff and Educational Development Association is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education. SEDA offers a range of professional development opportunities to individuals and institutions; including the Senior Fellowship, Fellowship and Associate Fellowship schemes. It organises two residential conferences each year, a Writing Retreat and occasional one-day events. Individual members benefit from a range of services, including regular mailings, copies of SEDA publications, eligibility to apply for SEDA Research and Development Grants, and discounts on publications.