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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning

Delegates at a table having a discussion during a workshop

The Intercollegiate Forum

CCTL are hosting a series of fora in the 2022-23 academic year as part of our support for the collegiate University's commitments to develop more inclusive educational environments and practices and to eliminate awarding gaps.

The fora are for College academic and professional staff and students, including (but not limited to) senior tutors and deputy senior tutors, directors of studies, supervisors, librarians, academic skills tutors, heads of wellbeing and JCR officers.


The first Intercollegiate Forum: First-year undergraduate academic induction and development

Friday 3 March 2023

Students' academic experiences during their first year of study provide strong foundations for their academic progress, outcomes and personal wellbeing. This Intercollegiate Forum was for all College academic and professional staff and students who contribute to undergraduate students' first-year academic induction and development.

For outputs from the day, including slides, a responsive literature review of academic induction & development, and a formative evaluation framework, please see the Fora Resources page.


The second Intercollegiate Forum: Inclusive collegiate education and environments

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Cambridge undergraduate education is distinctive, and Colleges as academic communities are key to students' educational experience. As Cambridge admits a more representative population of undergraduates, this Forum provides an opportunity to reflect on ways in which collegiate education can contribute to all students' becoming increasingly proficient in their learning, in managing curricular and extra-curricular commitments and in developing a sense of agency and ownership over their education.

For outputs from the day, including slides and a paper on student experiences of the supervision system by one of the panel contributors, please see the Fora Resources page.

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