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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning

Students gathered round a table for a supervision

This new interactive online course is designed to help staff develop an understanding of best practice in the design and delivery of inclusive teaching and learning. The course has a focus on how the practical application of such an inclusive approach can remove the disadvantage many disabled students face in accessing their teaching and learning, while reducing or eliminating the need for multiple and costly reactive adjustments.

"Thank you for creating such a worthwhile course. I have recently taken the course and thought it excellent, particularly how clear and concise it was; the videos with Abi were brilliant, and the structure of it." - recent feedback.

The course is designed for all staff with teaching responsbilities across the collegiate University. It takes about an hour to complete and incorporates knowledge checks, staff and student videos, and links to other useful resources.

Produced by the Accessibility & Disability Resource Centre, with contributions from CCTL, Cambridge University Press and UIS.


Access the Inclusive Teaching & Learning module